
Deliver AI Faster With the [2x3] Methodology

Engage effectively with business teams and ship out AI solutions consistently.

What’s inside this Whitepaper

Read about the early days of data science, how companies profited from the insatiable demand for data and how an academic branch of analysis came to dominate on Wall Street and Main Street.
Learn from the data science leader at Tesla, Albertsons, and Safeway
Understand the difficult nature of shipping AI solutions.
Learn how to apply the 3-stage business engagement model.
Discover how to increase the value of your AI solutions with the 2x3 Model.
The Road to AI Comes with Many Roadblocks
Sometimes data science and business goals become misaligned, data teams fail to deliver real-world solutions on time, or spend too much time pursuing the wrong solution.

To resolve these challenges, Colleen Qiu developed the 2x3 model for delivering AI. She used this model extensively during her work at Tesla, Albertsons, and Metromile.

About the author

Colleen Qiu Former Head of Data @ Metromile
Colleen Qiu is a former Head of Data @ Metromile with experience in AI, data science, and analytics across various business domains at Fortune 500 firms and high-tech startups.

Previously, she has worked in various data-related roles at Albertsons, Tesla, PayPal, eBay, Chegg, and others. She specializes in leveraging data science to solve business problems and has comprehensive experience leading data science teams.

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