’s community of

1,250+Top AI Leaders

The Vectice community's purpose is to focus on leadership and management in data science. Over the past year, we have built a community of 1,250+ AI leaders including 300+ VPs across the U.S. In this community, we organize events and build thought leadership content for leaders.
Logos of companies that are part of the Vectice community
and many more!
Focusing On

Critical Leadership Topics

Talent acquisition & retention

AI talents are hard to find and keep, leaders share their best tips.

Centralized vs. embedded teams

At the organization level, organizing the data science function can be challenging.

Alignment with the business

Alignment is core to delivering value, leaders share their approach.

M&A impact on DS/ML function

Alignment is core to delivering value; leaders share their approach.

C-level buy-in

Relationships with top leadership are key to successful AI initiatives and results.

Distributed teams, OKR, KPIs

Top of mind day-to-day management challenges.
Industry Breakdown
Industry breakdown of the Vectice community
Leaders of the Community
Leader breakdown of the community
Leverage the community

Meet your peers

Community for leadership in Artificial Intelligence
Clusters of communities across the United States
Companies represented
Vice Presidents of leading Data Science Companies
Map of the community
Remote Meet-ups

Join our online gatherings

Discuss your most pressing challenges with a group of up to 5 peers in Vectice-facilitated video calls.
Dine and Chat

Join us for dinner

We organize executive dinners with up to 10 top leaders simultaneously. This is across the 11 clusters where the community is most represented.

Apply to speak at events

Our events are recorded with multiple high-profile speakers and a maximum of 30 attendees. They happen during the week after work hours to make it convenient for everyone!