Ecosystem / Tools / Jira
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Extend Jira capabilities with Vectice

Vectice is the perfect addition to your ecosystem, working efficiently and seamlessly. It brings a lightweight collaborative layer unifying your technical stack by capturing metadata from any DS/ML stack component and adding robust processes enabling capabilities to your management stack.

Using Vectice makes working with Jira a breeze. We allow teams to monitor progress, identify risks and explore potential opportunities for course corrections. Vectice provides a visual way to break down steps into manageable chunks, track progress and get visibility into the health of projects. Speed up workflows and improve collaboration across teams, giving everyone a better understanding of the overall project context. 
Vectice simplifies and streamlines your Jira workflow by offering comprehensive logging and process-building capabilities specific to data science and machine learning.
Vectice Complements your Jira usage by providing a simplified and organized way of collaborating on your data science initiatives.
Vectice brings the best for Data Science-specific features, complementing Jira, is the reference for software development
Easily link Jira tasks and epics to Vectice Projects!

Our Ecosystem

Stacks evolve but Vectice remains compatible
Amazon S3 logoAmazon Redshift LogoPython Programming Language iconGithub logoR programming language logoAzure ML logoGoogle Big Query IconJira logo
Confluence iconGoogle Drive logoComet ML logoDatabricks logoDataiku logoDatarobot logoH2O LogoMLflow logoSagemaker logoWeights & Biases logo

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Vectice “The Hottest Data Science And Machine Learning Startups”

CRN article

Vectice for Enterprises

Private deployments on AWS & GCP
Access Control & SSO
SOC2-type 2 certified
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can do for your

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